Saturday, May 5, 2007

AGLOCO is an Economic Network

Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team

I’d like to elaborate on what kind of community AGLOCO is.
Many of us are familiar with online social networks, such as MySpace and Facebook, as well as online professional networks, like LinkedIn and Doostang. These networks are based around communities communicating with one another in the personal (social) or professional environment.

AGLOCO is an Economic Network. An Economic Network is based on similar roots, but also adds the driving principle that individuals who have joined together as a group can be economically stronger than the individuals alone.

This is the driving principal behind any group trying to become stronger by joining forces: business groups (like trade associations and the Chamber of Commerce), countries (like the formation of NAFTA and the EU), or people (like labor unions and buying co-ops).
For individuals it is simple. They can demand more from the entities that had been controlling them and finally achieve the power they deserve. Much like segments of the labor force saw they were being exploited 100 years ago, today we see the Internet consumer being economically exploited by many Internet companies. AGLOCO wants to change that.

Individual Internet Users are already creating value all over the Internet, and only now are they coming together as Members of AGLOCO to claim that value. The purpose of an economic network is for the Members to acquire as much of the value they create as possible, and they shouldn’t have to change their Internet usage behavior to get it.

This is the whole basis for creating this company. The Internet holds many unique and valuable ways for individuals to “interact with each other and with groups.” Wikipedia is showing this with free access to information on the Internet. AGLOCO can accomplish the same thing with free access to value created on the Internet.

Thoughts and comments?

I will have much more to say about this in the future.

source: from agloco official blog

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

40 Reasons to Join Agloco

1. You can make money safely, legitimately, and easily.

2. It takes maybe three minutes to join.

3. You need nothing more than a working computer connected to the Internet.

4. You don't have to enter any sensitive information to join.

5. You don't have to buy anything to join.

6. You don't have to buy anything ever once you are a member.

7. It's easy to cancel if you don't want to be a member any more.

8. You'll only download a small free toolbar that won't install anything else on your computer, hog its memory, or read your keystrokes.

9. You'll make the same amount of money even if you never click on anything.

10. AGLOCO is the real deal, not some little scam. A good number of notable entrepreneurs are backing it. A Google search with keyword "agloco" will net you 1 million pages and counting.

11. Very important: AGLOCO's business model has been tried before and proven to work. In fact, AGLOCO's predecessor paid out over $120 million to its members (this is what finally convinced me).

12. You can dramatically increase your income by referring other people to AGLOCO, because...

13. ...AGLOCO pays you a portion of the surf money earned by those you referred up to 5 levels below you. So...

14. You can recruit your friends and all make money together when you help them get referrals. Thus,

15. The sooner you sign up, the more folks will come to you for info and the more likely it is that you will be the original seed of a large referral network in your community.

16. You never have to read emails from people you don't know.

17. You'll never be asked to send emails to people you don't know.

18. You don't have to change anything you normally do on the Internet. You surf, AGLOCO pays.

19. 's revenue source is genuine: a Viewbar members use that shows targeted advertisements based on your surf history, with the money paid to advertise going back to the members. That's not magic; that's common sense.

20. The Viewbar software you will download will not invade your privacy; it simply looks for keywords on the pages you view in order to show related ads.

21. The Viewbar is maybe the size of your taskbar at the bottom of your screen - in other words, it's small and won't interfere with your browsing experience at all.

22. AGLOCO has a thorough privacy policy that explicitly guarantees personal information will never be sold or given away.

23.In fact, AGLOCO has not one but three agreements every member must agree to. The bases are covered.

24. AGLOCO has a CPO - Chief Privacy Officer - whose responsibility is to make sure your privacy is never violated. His name is Ray Everett-Church, and he has more experience protecting privacy than probably anyone else on the planet.

25. AGLOCO doesn't play; anybody providing fake information, signing up twice, or otherwise trying to cheat the system will be detected by AGLOCO's anti-hacking instruments. This is an honest enterprise through and through.

26. By signing up, you support the company that will change Internet advertising for the better.

27. By signing up, you get to own a piece of the company that will change Internet advertising for the better. AGLOCO belongs to its members, which is to say that...

28. will own stock (more if you refer people) in a company that is likely to become huge and thus your stock will be worth something awesome when AGLOCO goes public on the London Stock Exchange.

29. You will likely find that other AGLOCO members, especially now in the early stages of AGLOCO, are some of the Web's savviest users and developers, and you can learn a bunch from them.

30. You get to be on the cutting edge of World Wide Webware development, which means that as AGLOCO grows, its members will benefit from...31....discounts when members buy from companies affiliated with AGLOCO;

32....possible help with spyware/antivirus protection (remember, everyone from Fortune 500 companies to millions of users will all benefit from a better browsing experience); forums where members can meet and discuss not just stuff, but ways and member-based projects to make AGLOCO better (it is our company).

34. Our company is in good hands. AGLOCO pays 10% of its revenues to Infomediary Services Corporation (ISC), which is simply the management company that is responsible for managing AGLOCO. The other 90% of the revenue belongs to us. This 10% will attract the designing talent needed to make AGLOCO great. The corresponding 10% of AGLOCO's shares go to a foundation dedicated to providing every human being on Earth with Internet access.

35.AGLOCO's management team will not get stock in AGLOCO. This ensures that those in positions of high responsibility don't hijack the company.

36.Though circumstances will vary, you can get paid and earn shares no matter where on Earth you live.

37. If you choose, you can donate your earnings and shares to the charity of your choice.

38. If you get involved in referring more members, you might be able to quit your day job and actually spend time at home, with your family, on vacation, wherever - and still make money.

39. If AGLOCO fails, you won't lose any money because you paid none in the first place.40. AGLOCO ain't gonna fail. The last time such an opportunity existed, people made over $120 million in under 2 years, when far less people had Internet access and conditions weren't yet right for such a company to go public. Now, with record spending on advertising and calls from all sides for less irrelevant advertising and a better business/customer connection, the world is more than ready for an Economic Network that gives back to its users.

Now, if you aren't yet a member, after everything I just told you, you're not going to go and sign up?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Agloco's Anti Spam Policy

I went thru Agloco's official blog and found this useful article about Agloco's anti spam policy. So guys, there will not be any spam on the viewbar software. I am sure the viewbar will be release soon - come on where is the viewbar? where is it? where is it? where is it?

Ray Everett-Church
AGLOCO Development Team

I’ve been asked to put together a blog entry about the things I’m working on here at AGLOCO. Given that we’re such a small team right now, many of us are wearing many different hats, and one of the hats I wear says “spam patrol.”

Like all communities, AGLOCO has rules that help to keep our global community a comfortable and productive place. As everyone knows, one of the ways we grow our community is to encourage our current members to refer their family, friends, and acquaintances to sign up.

Because we create incentives around the referral process, it’s no surprise that some people get the idea that they can take short cuts and play games to get more incentives than they may be entitled to. One of the ways that some people try to manipulate our referral system is to “spam,” which we define generally as sending out unsolicited messages to unknown people.

Spam is always a problem with any online community, even from the earliest days of the Internet. I first started working on the problems created by spam as a consultant back in 1994 with a small but growing online community called America Online.

At the time we felt like we were breaking new ground and facing new issues almost every day. But in doing a little research back then I discovered that even in 1994, the problem of unsolicited messages online were an old issue. Much to my surprise, I found an early reference document written by Jon Postel, one of the creators of today’s Internet, called “On the Junk Mail Problem“. It was written in November of 1975!

I should note that, technically speaking, Postel’s piece wasn’t about “spam” as we know it today, rather it was about unwanted data flying around the early Internet, back in the days when only a handful of companies and universities were “online.” But it shows that, even then, people were concerned about the negative effects of unwanted data being shoved their way.

Fast forward to today, and AGLOCO too must deal with the occasional problems created by members of the community who don’t want to play by the rules and think they can get ahead by taking unfair shortcuts.

AGLOCO deals with these issues in a couple of ways. First, we have a strong anti-spam policy which every member agrees to as part of the member agreements during the sign up process. That policy puts everybody on notice that we will not tolerate abusive practices in promoting AGLOCO.

While email spam is one of the most common forms, we’re also seeing message board and blog spam, instant message spam, and even spamming in the form of inappropriate entries in Wikipedia! Our anti-spam policy is written very broadly so that it can cover a wide array of abuses, even ones we haven’t though of yet.

Second, we have an email address – – where complaints about spam may be reported. We encourage members of AGLOCO, and members of the public generally, to send us examples of any spam they receive. (If you do send us email spam, please make sure you include the full headers of the email message; it’s vital for our investigation that we be able to trace the origins of those messages.)

While we can’t respond individually to every complaint, we do review them all and when we see things that appear to be violations of our anti-spam policy, we take steps to investigate the incident and, if necessary, enforce our policy.

While I don’t want to discuss the specifics of how we investigate and enforce our policy (I don’t want to give the spammers ideas about how to evade our techniques), I will say that so far we have only had to terminate a few dozen member accounts. We have also issued a number of warnings to members whose behavior, while serious, may not have risen to a level that requires the ultimate punishment of account termination.

I don’t want anybody to get the wrong idea: Our anti-spam policy is strong and gives us the ability to punish abuses. And from an enforcement perspective, the integrity of our community requires that we have a very low tolerance for abuse. But we also attempt to enforce it with a certain level of understanding.

We realize that not everyone is an expert in Internet community behavior and that well-intentioned people may sometimes step out of line. As a result, we spend far more time educating members about responsible promotional practices than we do setting up firing squads.

I’m pleased to say that I’m pretty encouraged by the way AGLOCO members have been able to grow the community without resorting to tactics like spam. I think it’s an indication not only of how great our members are, but of how seriously they take our anti-spam policy.
Because I’ve been involved with anti-spam issues for a very long time, I consulted a number of my colleagues in the field as we were setting up AGLOCO. A few of them were skeptical and predicted that AGLOCO would turn into a swamp of spam and abuse.

I’m very proud to say that those predictions have thus far been inaccurate. We have a strong, vibrant, and growing community in which the spam problem has been fairly minimal. We will continue to maintain vigilance, and act strongly to root out abuse whenever it occurs. But with your help, AGLOCO can keep spam to a minimum while we continue our current path of growth.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

YouTube Founder Says AGLOCO Wins.

DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley made news at a meeting of some of the globe's most powerful people Saturday, announcing that his wildly successful site will start sharing revenue with its millions of users.

Chad Hurley just joined Bill Gates in endorsing exactly what AGLOCO wants to do – give the economic value to the user.

Of course, like Bill Gates ($$$$$), Chad Hurley has already sold his company for $1.6 billion to Google so he can afford to be in a generous mood. And really how much will they share? Google shareholders are hoping not too much.

With AGLOCO — THE Economic Network . No such conflict. The Members are the owners.

EVEN more important. The people building out the network NOW will be sharing in the $1.6 billion – or whatever the value of AGLOCO becomes. This is a huge difference.

It is why I call AGLOCO a true Internet Revolution.

Join it, Support it, Make it grow. And it can really change the way the economics of the Internet will be in the future.

More on Microsoft and AGLOCO

While I am on record as saying that I do not think Microsoft and AGLOCO have any formal relationship today. AGLOCO is three weeks old so I think it very unlikely as big companies (like Microsoft, Yahoo and Google) have limited time to seriously spend it on the hundreds of new community sites that start everyday.

That said, Microsoft has the most to ‘gain' with the success of AGLOCO. Microsoft's new AdCenter is announced to be looking at a serious effort on allowing real local ads (zip code or better). They currently have such a small share of the market they could easily do a deal with AGLOCO and not upset their current partners.

And Bill Gates has announced publicly that Microsoft wants to reward users for search.

To join AGLOCO MONEY NETWORK click the banner - and good luck!

Bill Gates thinks Google should be worried!

Hello Friends,

Please go through the text.

Bill Gates thinks Google should be worried!

You must have heard by now about Agloco and how many people think it is going to be bigger than Google... Now Bill Gates is on record saying they have a great business model and that Google should be worried. Google makes billions of $$$ and keeps it all for itself... Agloco one day is going to also make billions of $$$ except it will be completely shared out to its members!You make money with Agloco by using your computer as you would normally!

Join AGLOCO - Own the Internet!

Lastly if you're not convinced please read this report then come backand click on the link :

Passive Income Online - Get rich or lose nothing

It's all over the blogosphere and Bill Gates has been quoted as sayinghe believes it "will be the next big thing to hit the internet", sowhat is Agloco and will they really pay you for surfing the net?

I too was skeptical when I heard about it but after spending a fewhours googling and reading about it, I have not only come round to theidea but am now thinking it could really work and could really make us(that's me and all of you who are reading this) some money.

How much does it cost me?

What do I have to do?First you need to sign up, for free, and then you will need todownload the viewbar - the viewbar is not ready yet but is expected tobe ready for download in about 2-4 weeks. The viewbar will simply sitat the bottom of your screen whilst you browse the web, post to yourblog, read other blogs, answer your email,

Join AGLOCO - Own the Internet!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Agloco - Viewbar

Join AGLOCO now!!!

Today i surf around the net searching agloco, supprisingly there is more agloco relate websites then a few days ago, that means agloco is on the way to success.Unfortunately for me was left behind, i cant get the members as i targeted. Some of my friends who have own a website can promote his referrals link and get his visitor to join - lucky for them.

Recruitering new members is not so easy, and it will not be easier later, when the viewbar release.

This is how the viewbar looks like!
You need to install it to you computer, it just a little viewbar locate in you internet browser look exactly like this:

You have your viewbar and surf the internet as you usually do, and get paid, its wonderful.

Have a nice day!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

This Video Telling You About AGLOCO

This is the latest video, the founders of AGLOCO tell us about the AGLOCO, how it works and how we should work to get the most of it. By SIGN UP now, still not too late to grab so many referrals we want before the viewbar release.

Some Members want the Viewbar out because it would help in recruiting, and because they are eager to start earning. Some other members taking advantage of the time to recruit so many members while waiting for viewbar to be release.
Once the Viewbar is released there will be tons of completion for referrals. While on one hand this will make it easier to recruit everybody, it will make it much harder to build a wide network.

Time to join agloco - and make money!!!

What is AGLOCO™ all about?

AGLOCO™ is the first Internet based economic network, which enables you as a Member to Get your share of the Internet. Advertiser's, search companies, online merchants and other businesses currently pay lots of companies to deliver people like you to them for attention and commerce. With AGLOCO™ they will be paying YOU = YOUR company. AGLOCO™ is also a global community of Internet users whose active Members can paid for all their online activity.

By downloading our proprietary Viewbar™ technology, members benefit from engaging content tailored to their interests. AGLOCO™ also pays its members to refer their friends to the community (and for those friends to refer more friends through four levels of extended referrals).

Sign up, and use the web as usual and earn cash and shares - it really is that simple!. Once you install the Viewbar™ software it automatically records the time you're actively online, and we pay you for it. But the first step is to sign up and become a member. It's fast and it's free. If you refer your friends and family we'll pay you even more cash and shares.


AGLOCO™ pays you an hourly rate when friends and family you recruit use the web while using the Viewbar™ (they're called "direct referrals"), and for people your referrals recruit ('extended referrals'). Extended referrals continue for FOUR levels past your original referral, and there is no limit to the number of referrals you can accumulate.

AGLOCO™ Membership is absolutely free, and you will never have to buy or sell anything. Simply sign up,
download your free copy of the Viewbar™ software, refer your friends and family, and get your share of the Internet!

Why is AGLOCO™ giving 100% of its stock to its Members?

We believe that the Internet should be a platform for the users to benefit from, and if anyone generates money from users normal online activities, it should be the users themselves.